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Evaluating large-format scanners

For archival purposes, we are planning to scan about a hundred years' worth of physical records (from timecards to schematics) for our railway historical society.

What is the best way to evaluate large-format scanners for this task? This is a new front for us, so I am not sure where to start looking beyond CDW.



Answer by Exlucid

I am not sure exactly what the media that you will be working with will lend itself too. I am also not quite sure what you mean by 'evaluate'.

That said, a number of digitization labs post their guidelines and the scanners that they use for digitization. These documents might give you an idea of what questions you should be asking based on your materials.

UNT has an excellent page up with examples of the scanned results here.

The CDRH in Lincoln also has a good guide (including best practices links and readings) here.

I hope this helps!
