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What issues do archives need to consider when developing a plan for accessioning an organization's Sharepoint content

Many organizations are using Microsoft SharePoint as a tool to both manage content and collaborate. When archives (either as an institutional archive or as the archival home of the organization's materials) are tasked with preserving this content they face some challenges. First and foremost is defining what it is in the SharePoint content that they actually want to preserve.

In what cases would it make sense to just extract the documents and preserve them and in what cases does it make sense to try and capture the date that exists in SharePoint itself. To clarify, this is more of a significant properties and feasibility question than a how-to question. How one would actually go about either extracting documents or trying to preserve an entire SharePoint environment are each interesting questions in their own right (that I imagine will come up on this site at some point). However, before getting to those questions the first question at hand is how do you go about deciding what inside SharePoint is the actual content you are tasked to preserve.

So what issues would an archives want to consider in deciding on the significant properties they need to preserve in SharePoint content?

Trevor Owens
