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What is best practice for TV series collection development?

I work in a public library and have just been assigned TV series on DVD as a collection development area. I am looking for a guideline concerning when (not) to replace damaged items. Ideally, for all the shows we buy, we would have at least one copy of each season; however, is it worth replacing older seasons of less popular shows, especially if there are other copies of that season in other libraries in the consortium? If there is a best practice for this, I would love to know.

Jenny Arch


Answer by Mary Jo Finch

This is a highly individualized decision that depends on a number of things:

I used to order DVDs for a small public library, and I came to think of that collection as somewhat fluid. I was not building a collection so much as I was keeping it fresh. DVDs came and went, attrition by loss or damage, and generally I found it best to spend money on new things rather than replacing old things as this invigorated circulation and made our collection worth visiting, even though it was small.
