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Looking for a public video archive of city scenes

Does anyone know of decent online resource for old video footage of cities (I am thinking of major metropolitan areas such as New York, Paris, etc.) from the early 20th century (through about 1940)? I've seen some of this kind of stuff in Prelinger's archive, but there wasn't that much there. Part of my question is to get a sense for how much such footage exists, and how much of it available online with sufficiently-permissions to use some materials in presentations.

Archives of still images from the same era would also be quite useful.

Gene Golovchinsky


Answer by Thomas Padilla

The Library of Congress has a sizable collection of video that you can access online. Searches can be narrowed to hone in on specific cities.

Head to http://www.loc.gov/search

Make sure to select "Available Online" in the pane on the left.

If you are interested in the history of cities within the San Francisco Bay Area region, I highly recommend the San Francisco Bay Area Television Archive: https://diva.sfsu.edu/collections/sfbatv
