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Is there a way to look up Ariel addresses?

I work in Interlibrary Loan, and one of the main parts of my job is sending articles through Ariel. Sometimes, the picklist sheets I am given are missing part of the Ariel address, which means I usually have to use a less convenient method to send the item.

I know for most Canadian institutions I can use the Library and Archives site to look up the addresses, but for American or international addresses, I am usually out of luck. Is there a way for me to look those up as well?

Ashley Nunn


Answer by Galen Charlton

A couple resources I've found are:


Answer by Nic

The Google Groups mailing list for Relais ILL is fairly active with institutions that use Relais ILL as their Ariel server. Browsing historic posts serves as kind of a de facto database. There's a link to sign up on the Relais contact page.


Also, the University of Guelph has a comprehensive (though somewhat dated) list.

