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Increasing the number of simultaneous users on e-books?

Given that there is an increased load on e-book references during exam periods, is it a sound decision to acquire as many licenses for simultaneous use as needed?

Are there flexible plans available that increase the number of available users under times of heavy load for a pro-rated subscription fee?



Answer by user130

When I asked OverDrive about paying a hefty ton of money for as many simultaneous licenses for a specific period, they just referred me to a small selection of undesirable books where it was possible.


Answer by eclecticlibrarian

Most of the time, you'll find that you really only need the SU license. My recommendation is to pay attention to turnaway reports and if you see titles getting a high number of turnaways, then look into purchasing a copy with an MU license or upgrading if your vendor will allow it.

I haven't heard of any plans that would allow for a bump in SU for a set period of time, but you might consider a short term loan option in that instance, although I'm not sure how it would work for a title you've already purchased. I suggest asking your ebook vendor(s).
