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What is the purpose of the 490 and 8xx

What is the purpose of the 490 tag if you create an 8xx? Can you just enter an 8xx and NOT enter a 490?

(Assuming your ILS indexes both)



Answer by KatieR

No. The 490 field is taken directly from the item. The 8xx field is an authority field, so you use would use established names to describe those associated with the item (like the personal name or corporate name). You would get this information from LOC Authorities.

Use 490 and 8xx fields for series data. Use field 490 for series statements transcribed from the item. Use 8xx fields for series added entries.



Answer by zemkat

KatieR is right. An 830 must be justified by a transcribed series statement elsewhere in the record. This will almost always be a 490, but can also be weird places like a 533 \$f (Series statement of reproduction).

In older records, you might also see a 440 which acts as a combined transcribed series statement and authorized form in one field, but it is obsolete so I wouldn't use it.
