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Bibliometric measures for research groups?

There are bibliometric measures for journals (most notoriously, impact factor, but also Eigenfactor) and bibliometric measures for individuals (such as h-index), but does anyone know of bibliometric measures aimed at group impact, as for a lab or research center or department? Have the alt-metrics folks come up with any?



Answer by cpikas

People have tried using h-index for groups, but somewhat unsuccessfully IMO. Here's an example, I'll try to edit this later with more: van Raan, A. (2006). Comparison of the hirsch-index with standard bibliometric indicators and with peer judgment for 147 chemistry research groups. Scientometrics, 67(3), 491. DOI: 10.1007/s11192-006-0066-4


Answer by Simon Spero

Scientometrics is usually the first place to check; many of their articles are open-access.\ This article may be a good seed for reference following:



Answer by Simon Spero

A answer more specific to the dsalo would be to ask Dietmar Wolfram at UWM; he's been an active researcher in this field for a long time, and may be able to recommend experts at YPOW.


Answer by aarontay

Have a look at the following sites which have very detailed methodology for ranking groups and institutions.




I am not an expert but my casual reading in the past 2 years in this area seem to indicate among other groups CWTS, Leiden University has done a lot of research on this area.
