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Are there indices/bibliographies or databases of foreign science papers in English?

Possible Duplicate:\ How To Find Old Russian Physics Papers In English?

Foreign-language science papers are frequently difficult to come by in translation. Is there any sort of index/bibliography or database that could be used to find translations of specific papers, assuming they exist? This could save a lot of time and expense for researchers when they would otherwise be duplicating existing translation work.

  1. Alan Thomas II


Answer by cpikas

There was a World Translation Center and they had an index which used to be on DIALOG, but might not be any longer.

SLA's PAM division has had several recent discussions see a summary here: http://pam.sla.org/2012/02/pamnet-monitor/ . See Dana Roth's column in the PAM Bulletin from August 2010 (p15) http://pam.sla.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/aug10.pdf for much more detailed information.

Indeed many Russian science articles have been translated and there are translated journals. Some German articles have been translated, too. Other languages not so much.
