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What computer skills are useful/necessary for (non-tech) librarians?

Obviously basic computer use skills (keyboard, mouse, &c.) are necessary for librarians (unless you're still only using card catalogs and paper circ records!), but what else is useful or even necessary? What are libraries looking for when they put "computer skills" in a job posting?

Related questions:


Answer by Mary Jo Finch

When I put computer skills on a job description for a librarian I expect:

Nice, but not required:

Above all, a librarian should not be afraid of computers and should know when to ask for help.


Answer by dsalo

I designed an introductory library-technology course in 2007 that (with changes, to be sure) I still teach. With all that teaching under my belt, I will give you my personal cri de coeur: this is an exquisitely difficult question!

In lieu of a complete answer (which would take at least a book's worth of investigation!), some examples of different librarians in different contexts and what their technology needs might be, in addition to those Mary Jo Finch has pointed out. The lists below do not pretend to be exhaustive.

School-media specialists often serve as the first line of tech support for teachers. Their know-how needs may include:

A solo librarian in a rural public library:

An academic reference librarian:

A moderately modern-minded cataloger in an academic library:

Why, yes, designing my course is a three-alarm headache, as a matter of fact!
