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Where can I get info on the status of FRBR?

The FRBR blog hasn't had any updates in more than a year. Are there any other sites aggregating information about the current status on FRBR, particularly on the status of how to handle aggregate works?



Answer by Jakob

The best place to look and to ask at is the FRBR mailing list. Depending on your needs I would also recommend other mailing lists, conferences and journals, such as Code4Lib.


Answer by Jenn Riley

The FRBR mailing list is unfortunately stagnant - there hasn't been any substantive traffic there in over a year. Major FRBR related news is posted by IFLA at http://www.ifla.org/en/cataloguing, and these announcements frequently find their way to cataloging listservs like Autocat (http://listserv.syr.edu/archives/autocat.html) and RDA-L (http://www.rda-jsc.org/rdadiscuss.html), which frequently have participant discussion about FRBR, though much of it is ill-informed. There's also small amounts of info on the FRBR Review Group's page at http://www.ifla.org/about-the-frbr-review-group. But overall FRBR news is VERY hard to come by these days. I understand there are some harmonization efforts underway to bring together the three FR-models, but don't know for sure where that's been announced or if there's a full description of the activity anywhere.

Regarding your specific question about aggregates in FRBR, the working group on that topic concluded and issued its final report in 2011: http://www.ifla.org/node/923.


Answer by wdenton

As the owner of the FRBR Blog, I apologize for letting it go dormant. Reading this was a good reminder that I need to fix that, so I'm now looking for some one or some group to take over frbr.org. If anyone is reading this and has an idea for it, please get in touch.
