
Never Alone

Synopsis: On how the identified ‘digital preservation community’ is not alone, and indeed that concerns about longevity of information are held very widely, and have shaped what we have now.

About how formats are significant properties.

About how other groups fight the same battle under different banners (against lock-in etc.), or as enthusiasts.

About the remaining problems, and the role memory organizations can play by given permanence to the efforts of others.

“My highest priority is keeping your data safe over the long term.” About The Site (

See also

“…ensuring that the content remains online was a matter of respect for the work published.” Improving Smashing Magazine’s Performance: A Case Study

“In general, we strive to keep the dependency count and build process minimal for these projects, since keeping the complexity level low gives them a better chance of aging well in the archives.” Notes from the development of xkcd’s “Pixels”

“…access to content you own should not be hindered by the fact that the application that created it is not maintained any more…” The Document Liberation Project

Docker etc, up to and including reproducible systems, verifiable systems etc. Revisiting How We Put Together Linux Systems - Good stuff in other projects, but seems to ignore the wider environment.

See also

Long Now,

“A simple format like Markdown creates documents you’ll have not trouble reading in twenty years. I’ve been teaching a survey course this semester and had a hell of a time reading my old notes from generals which I took using EndNote; with Markdown, any web browser, text editor, or Microsoft Word descendant will have no trouble opening it.” (Markdown, Historical Writing, and Killer Apps)[]

“Dappert says DP too distant from other activity. Agree. We should make case for DP ‘cos it’s best info mngmnt practice” @neilgrindley

“most of the world is not even managing their data yet - how should they ever think of long term preservation of that” @bjarne_a

“As a systemic property, sustainability applies to a complex whole. Business activity and the natural and social environment are interdependent and connected. You can’t have sustainability in one dimension without the other, for instance, you can’t have a sustainable economy without a sustainable environment.” The Karlskrona Manifesto on Sustainability Design

Creative Commons Licence
Keeping Codes
by Andrew N. Jackson
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